Sunday, March 9, 2014

Feb 10, 2014

This week has been full of miracles! :) it is just so wonderful to see the miracles in this work :) We went and contacted this reference and he is de oro! Seriously. We began with a prayer and he just started crying and crying during the prayer. The spirit was so strong. Feeling the spirit in a leccion or contact is amazing to feel. The other miracle was we had 9 investigadores come to the chapel yesterday. It was glorious. This week esta llena de citas :) i am very excited for this week. We asisted a bauptimsal service with an investigador and afterwards he told me that he made his decision. he wants to be baptized :) i was so happy i AM so happy :) not this week but the next week is his baptism service. 

That is such an amazing experience with Grandpa! I am so happy for him and you all :) Good work mom shoveling the walks and doing service :) You are an amazing missionary you all are :) Mom...send me a picture of you and dad :) I miss seeing your face and giving you a super tight hug :) sure love you mom :)

pray for them please 
Jussep-(its pronounced joseph)-that he can act, his mom can give permission to be baptized and he can open up and not be so shy
Eric-he can come to church and we can have more time in the week to teach him
Julio-he can act and have a desire to know more about the marriage of his daughter in the temple. 
Hernesto-seguir adelante and finish preparing for bauptism
Maria del Carmen (madre)-can come to church
Maria del Carmen (hija)-have time in spite of her studies to study te scriptures and have lessons with us. and have a deseo to learn more

This week my thought is about murmurring. Presidente y su esposa nos quemaron toda la mision because i guess there has been problems with murmuring like laman and lemuel. En 1 nefi 17:2 it talks about how great the blessings of the lord in their lives.He was always blessing them in their lives. And in the end of the verse nefi says that finally his bothers began to bear their travels without murmuring. When we murmur we cant focus on the miracles of the lord or the blessings or his hand. We cannot murmur. It destroys everything good. Our hopes, dreams, espirtualy and optimism our fe. In exodus 16:8 it explains that the murmuracion es not contrary to us our our leaders or companero but its contrary to the lord. My invitation is to look for the blessing, look fo the miracles, look for the hand of the Lord in your life, in your day, Because he is in the details of our lives he loves us and wants the best for us. Nos cuida. He will always bless us. Be grateful fo every blessing. Offer a pray of gratitude. 
Sure love you family :)
Elder Burrup

P.S. Got the valentines package :) loved the spanish from mom and nicole :) tehe

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