Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 3, 2014

Jon what a neat experience you had to bless your little baby you are a father :) so cool. You guys are going to have a blast with kirsty and mike and the boys. Ten cuidado con los sobrinos y tu hija. jaja I can picture it now tanner o austin o weston pinching her little cheeks or something haha :) 

Janae and Steve i got your little note :) thank you so much it meant a lot to me and geave me a little turbo boost :) Hope your vacation is the bomb diggity.

Thanks for all the pictures :) i love seeing my wonderful family and my sobrinos :) especially nate with a lacrosse stick :)

I am still here in San Borja....yup :) and working hard. We are going to have a baptism this week and i am so excited. His name is eric and he is PERFECT. He is from gold. We are inviting every single member personally to come to the bautptism so we can have a mountain of people there. 

Laurel, like your trainer my trainer taught me how to work and love the members. How necessary it is to work with them to have success. Espceially here in san borja its a little limited but with the help and suppiort of members we can succeedd and have success. 

My new comp is elder martinez, from argentina and he is the bomb diggity. The first day i was with him i couldnt understand him.... :) it was kinda funny cuase I had to ask him like three times what he was saying everythime there was y or ll. He thought i just couldnt speak or understand spanish :) jaja. 

This week was a little hard we had 2 days of straight walking contacting and trying ot find people to teach and citas que fallaron. It was hard. But htis week we are going ot have success and follow forward...seguir adelante...push forward. What we are struggling with that you guys can pray for is the finding aspect of the work. That we can find the people that are ready that are chosen. Maybe they are hiding but they are ready and we need to cross their path and find them. Becuase we don't really have any new investigatores. But in know that the lord has someone prepared and ready we just have to hunt them down. A funny story that happened this week was we went to talk with a hna that we had previously contacted last week or something and toque el timbre and the mom or someone came out and i asked if andrea was home. She told me no and she didnt live there. Well i said ya okay that's alright but i began to contact this lady. And i asked her name. Her amiga or sister or someone came out in this moment and began to yell at english. good enlish saying don't worry about that you don't need ot know her name and this and that. I pretended like i didnt kniow english. I told her in spanish that i didn't understand. And that i am from cajamarca (its a place her in peru that there are white people and blue eyes) and the lady said ..oh....a little confused and then began to yell in spanish. Me and elder martinez turned around laughing hysterically. Sometimes when the old ladies and grandmas just yell at us its kinda funny and we cant help but laugh. haha. 

Ernesto recieved the priesthood yesterday and i he was so so happy. He is progressing really well in the gospel. 

My scripture is alma 8:10. (Read it).......alma esforzaba in the spirit and worked and prayed and fought to have baptisms. En his previous area of melek he was baptizing a whole ton but then he got transfered to ammoniah and the key indicatores were low. He tried so hard, he prayed and worked ot have baptisms. You guys know how it is to be missionarys and not have baptisms. You guys were once missionaries. Maybe a whole ton of years atras but you guys have experienced this desire to bring people to the gospel and the celestial kingdom. Somethimes we hace the desire and the we are willing and working hard but we lack the people to teach. Support the missionarys in the ward. En realidad the missionarys are their to support the membros not the other way around. Work with the missionarys. talk with them. support them in their sacred calling. I know that if you can particpate in the work the lord will bless you tremendously and youy will have more joy more success in your small families. We work in the vineyard of the Lord alongside the savior. I know this is his work of salvacion. En el nombre de Jesucristo Amen.

Sure love you family :) you guys are amazing :) keep up the work.

Elder Burrup

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