Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 4, 2014

Dearest Family, 

Thank you for emails. I absolutely love mondays to feel the spirit through your letters. I can feel your desire to be better, to stay close to the spirit and strengthen your families. Ayer en the church the teacher asked us to close our eyes and think about exaltation what we imagined and when i closed my eyes i thought of playing football with the boys en the park, tan austy nate grandpa mike jon steve and my beautiful sisters and mother and the babies having a picnic and cold watermelon. Kinda silly but i thought of the joy of our family. I think janae is right that it could be a little hard to keep in contact with our cousins now that grandpa is gone. Hopefully we can stay close as cousins. 

Kirsty and Mike i am glad to hear that mike is okay. Demonstrates the power of the preisthood and the temple. We have promises that we can be healthy. Go the temple often juntos to enjoy the blessings that can strengthen your family. Your little boys are growing up says mom. Sure love you guys! :) Mike hows the practice going? Keep me updated that everything's okay.

Janae and steve thanks for your emails :) I feel your spirit in your letters, how wonderful your family is growing! Sounds like your little family is growing rapidly. The lider misional has a nephew that is in between the age of aubrey and nate and i was think of them when i play with this little peruvian boy :) Janae thanks for sharing your experience with me. Demonstrates the love the Lord has for us and revelation por medio of the prays. Steve good to hear you are doing well! Good luck with your exams and your little fam :) 

Jonny and Nicole thanks for the pictures agian :) she is a cute little bugger. Kinda crazy that you guys are moving away from provo for forever! What a crazy exciting time in your lives as your little family grows :) Sure love you guys and Clara :)

Laurel hope all is well with you, the whole college life tehe :) I sure love your emails and i pray for you and this change for you. I wanna hear about and boys....tehe :) 

Mom and Dad thank you so much for your letters also. I sure do feel your love and strength. I feel an increase of love for my family every monday :) I am so glad that you are my parents and i have been taught by you. I always have the desire and ejemplo to become like you two. You guys are amazing :) sure miss you and the days and nights we had solo getting ice cream or sneaking out from grandmas house to go to kirstys for dinner...tehe :) Just laughing with you guys :) Thanks for telling me about the dirks, their family will be in my prayers and mind. Will be a grand trial but a time of strength and more close to the savior. He is such i good boy and can see it! 

So yesterday after church we went to a members house and had a HUGE feast and it was huge, loosen my belt and pants huge. The following cita we went and this is an hna that ahs been menos active for 30 years plus. She asked us if we were going to almorzar con ella. We about died. But her daughter isnt a member and we began to teach her daughter, during this lesson the spirit was strong and i was able to speak spanish clearly, and express myself. And even more they were able to understand me :) but i felt the power of the gift of tongues. The spirit is such a neccesity in our lives. Especially to teach people and be a missionary of success. Everything balances on the Holy Espirit. To feel the spirit is glroious. Always strive to have the spirit and feel the spirit. Strive to have experiences espirtuales with your families and personal also. This week i have felt the need and desire to strengthen my spiritual power. En 1 nefi 10 17 dice que lehi hablo por el poder del espiritu santo poder que recibio por la fe que tenia en el Hijo de Dios. The faith in the Savior strengthens our power to teach and speak by the power of the spirit. My invitation is to strengthen your spiritualness this week.

I pray for you and my family often and love you a whole bunches :)
Elder Burrup 

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