Sunday, March 9, 2014

February 17, 2014

Okay...well i am so excited to hear about the Kulmus family :) how beautiful and wonderful for them. How is the lady that wants to be sealed with her family that grandpa is working with? Sounds like the family and the sobrinos are all growing up...its crazy how fast the time is going! Elder Toro finishes this week. Im kinda bummed especially because we aren't going to be able to contact with toro y burro tehe. (Mom toro es bull y burro es donkey we always contact with this little joke to break the ice :)

Please pray for these people and there needs so they can progress in the gospel

Familia Blotte-they are miembros but the wife is recent. They have problems in their marriage, she is like our mom she we dinner with them almost every night. Pray that the esposo can have patience and contiuna faithful in the gospel and in his covenants. 

Eric-that he can feel the truthfulness of the BoM and that he can come to church with is sons

Yola cuyubamba-that she can feel the same feelings of the spirit, that she can act and have the desire to be bauptised.

This are just a few of the biggest needs with our investigadores. This week i have i seen the need to invite to be baptized in the first lesson. We know have investigadores that are progresando for a fecha. I was scared to do it the first couple times but once i did it i want to do it with everyone now :) i want to invite every single person on the street to be baptized in the following month :) My purpose is to get people bauptised. Through the means of repentance and strengthening their faith but the ultimate goal is baptism. Well the ultimate goal is the temple and the celestial kingdom. But with me as a missionary--baptism. My invitation for you guys is to be missionaries. Remember you can all be a missionaries. Just simple open your mouth....JTAYCL. This was something i heard when i was at home...just talk about your church life. If you go to the grocery store or out in public you can always find a route to open your mouth about some principle or doctrine or something to talk about the church. ALWAYS. If you say something silly or its awkward. Its okay, the lord will bless you and you'll never see them again. It seems kinda scary sometimes but in realidad nah its super easy and you can do it :) remember the covenant we made with baptism, to be a testigo de el. to take is name upon us. We hear this every sunday when we take the sacrament, it is a covenant that we made to be always be missionaries to the world. My invitation is to give a least one reference to the missionaries so they can invite to be baptized in the first leccion. If you give a reference they should have a date to be ready for baptism. A goal to progress and achieve. I know if you can do this your lives will be blessed and see the joy and gozo from someone elses progreess in the gospel and see their salvation. 


Elder Burrup
p.s. We have a baptism this saturday...Ernesto :) he is so excited to be baptized :) love you!

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