Sunday, March 9, 2014

February 24, 2014

We had baptism!!!!!! :) it was so beautiful :) i felt so much joy. He shared his testimony in the service and it was so beautiful. It put me to cry a little. My first convert that ive seen the whole process. He has progressed and i have seen his spiritual growth tremendously. In almost exactly 6 weeks. He has told me he wants to go to the temple so so bad. I am so happy to be part of this work of salvation. 
But this part of this story is a little sad, not one single member came to the baptism. Okay well the mission lider and his mom. His cousin that baptized him and his wife. No member of the bishopric or other member from the barrio. NOBODY. I was a little saddened by this. And then the following day in sacrament meeting is always the confirmation and they forgot about that. This ticked me off a little. I have grown to love this man and when the ward doesn't support him and completely forget about his baptism it tweeks me a little. The problem was there was a ward activity competition thing with a different ward a championship futbol game and ping pong championship between this ward and the other. I understand for the poeple and families that are in it but....i dunno i was a little tweeked that we had absolutely 0 members that came. And the siblings of ernesto came too. Not members. The work is with the ward. Support the missionaries. even if you dont the person getting baptized GO. Every soul is precious in the sight of the God. 

Jon i met another buddy of yours Eric Mejia. He told me you and dad and janae had helped him a lot and supported him. He told me to give you his numbers 943750853  and 5749564. Its been great experiences when people express their love for you dear brother. You were truly a marvelous missionary. (Hope you still are tehe) 

Laurel glad to hear you were able to go to the baptism of franky. Was a blessing and a miracle :) You were an amazing missionary :) Keep it up. Sure love you dear sister.

Kirsten and Janae....In sacrament there was little boys sitting in front of me and a family that is recently investigating and their boys were next to me. I have stickers...thanks mom :).....that let me interact with the little ones. And i had a flash mode in my mind of my beautiful sisters and their children. of tanner and austin and nate and you guys being so patient and loving with your sweet little boys. I kinda started to cry but i felt the love of moms. Kinda silly but i thought of my wonderful sisters and their children. (Nicole will be teaching and having patience with her little girl too:) )

A experience i had this week that was absolutely wonderful was i was doing divisiones and our citas had been cancelled or pushed back. And we decided to do contacts. We were walking and i felt we should contact the green house. And even cooler it was 111 and then yo toque la puerta and i told my comp that we were going to enter and teach which is rare in san borja. But then we went in and taught :) the mom told me when she was younger she wanted to get baptized but her parents wouldn't let her and her best friend was baptized it was amazing. It was a testimony to me that we can work by the spirit :) it was an awesome experience. 

Im a little short on time but this is the scripture i wanna share is 2 nefi 3:21 that says la debelidad de sus palabras yo fortalecere en su fe. Mom with your faith en the discussion with this hna you can speak by the power of the God with poder and with the spirit. Have faith in the power of God and the spirit and you can speak mighty things. I have seen this promise fulfilled countless times in my mission todavia. How glorious is the gospel!!!
Hurrah for Israel 
Elder Burrup

Love you all :)

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