Sunday, December 22, 2013

November 19, 2013-The Humility of a Clay Brick

This past couple days have been crammed with adventures. im glad the week til pday got cut a little short :) Friday with Elder Nelson, Rasband, and Grow was AWESOME :) it was incredible. I LOVED it. The spirit was so strong right as he walked in and the room got dead quite and everybody stands. Many missionaries standing respecting with tears streaming down their face. It was glorious. My latino (or tino for janae :) tehe) companeros de cuarto were so excited and humbled. I got to sit by Elder Cruz who is the 1 year member. The south american people are just so...i dunno the word....humbled? to be in the presence of a general authority. Everybody got to shake their hands. Most of the S. American people have never seen a general authority let alone shake ones hand and listen to him speak 15 yards away. It was amazing meeting. He focused on member missionary work and rescuing. Mom your note about PMG was amazing...made me weep a little to hear you are loving it and taking my invitation :) One thing he said was the message of God is our loving Heavenly Father is the most important and said it doesnt matter unless it is ingrained in the marrow of our bnes. or something like that. It was so cool. The spirit was so strong. That was friday, then saturday was proselytizing day. So awesome. We went up on the side of hill climbing stairs pretty much for 3 straight hours. It was incredible. So much poverty. I wanted to take a picture because we could see out across lima. It was AWESOME. But one crazy thing is i remember looking down into someones house, half of the houses dont have roofs or only 3 walls or plywood walls and crazy stuff like that, but i remember looking down and seeing a clothes line expecting clothes but no.....a whole line full of jaguar skins getting tried and tanned. It was bizarre. Pretty sure that is illegal. BUt is was pretty cool :) But the first door we knocked at the guy so no before we were done and slammed the door in our face. We felt like it was going o be a long day. But before when we planned for the day we decided we were going to open our mouths, in PME it says we need to talk to as mnay people as we can every day. So we ended up talking to everyone and knocking a bagillion doors and we had success, it was amazing :) felt so good. So stoked to get in the campo. But this one guy we knocked looking for a menos activo and he said he wasnt home or something. ANyways we asked if we could come in and he was kinda hesitant and he said...i dont have anything. We told him it was okay and we came in and could smell their fire going (they cook over a flame cause they dont have anythoing else) and the walls were brick but not finished and the floor was 3 quarters finished concrete. with a pile of sand in one corner and nothing else. He pulled a stool up and pulled some bricks over to sit down so we taught the restauraccion and book of mormon sitting a brick and our teacher on a stool and the guy standing. It was crazy. The poor hillside people seemed either amazingly receptive or sadly bitter at God. This other time we were talking to a lady ont he porch and finished up turned around and their was this guy unloading one of those mototaxies, 3 wheeler things he had a closet and 2 mattress on top. We also discussed in planning that service opportunites are great ways to open the door for the gospel. We helped them unload and walked with this stuff like all the way up the mountain. The roads close off and the only thing up the hillside is concrete winding stairs or rock stairs. It was intense. When we finished i was flexing my biceps and showing off to their kids making them laugh and doing other silly things  :) then we gave them a book of mormon and discussed the restauracion a little. I could feel they were so READY for the gospel. One other story from saturdy, we were headed back to the capilla to take the bus back home and we were pushing time a little but we had committed to talking to everyone we saw. Me and Elder Miranda saw this couple sitting on the streetside eating an orange and we look at eachother and went over theri. We talked about the plan de salvacion and families for a bit and as we left we both felt the spirit overwhelmingly. They were ready to hear. One more silly story. We went up to 2 old ladies and were going to talk to them about profets and we asked if they believed there was a profet on the earth today and she said yes...we were taken back and kinda started laughing. tehe :) A member gave me a sugar cane to snack on and it was declious chewing on a sugar cane :) Time is flying by! It is scaring me! I am getting transfered to the tino distrito this week its official. Definitely scared pray for me and the gift of tongues! Janae and steve thanks for your notes...sound like nate is growing up and got his mind ont he right things in life :) what a cute little fella. Miss you guys. I am proud of you guys and your missinarouy efforts. keep up the good work! Kirsty sorry i didnt get what you sent me! But thanks for the picture of the boys and mikey. Dad your email was aazing. It uplifted me and was wonderous. I loved it. It seriously was awesome. Thank you so much. I miss you a whole ton. Mom thanks for your email as well! SOunds like the new bishopbric is gonna rock it! Good for them :) that will be awesome. Mom your email was amazing. Thank you. I miss you a whole ton! I am working hard not getting homesick or thinking about home to much, i think the tino branch will get me working a little harder :) I started reading the new testament and i am so so so so excited. I know the Savior lives and that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost and influence and the role he plays to testify to us of the truth and to comfort us. I am ready to be in the field and hit the pavement to work and sweat and teach and love the poeple. This work is of the Lord, it is his work and not for me. I need to step back and let the holy spirit do its teaching. I need to humble myself and strive to teach and work in his way and will. This is his work and it is a ture message. Sutdy the scriptures work hard and pray. I know as you strive closer to the savior you will have real happiness. In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer. Amen.
Hurrah for Israel
Elder Burrup

P.S. One group of missinaries werent allowed to do the proselytizing activity because they stepped off the bus heard gunshots and then people starting running children and women away and men running in the streets with clubs towards the noise. Kinda crazy! Adventurous

P.S.S. Janae thanks for the typo editing :) im typing as fast as i can and not worrying about the spelling 

P.S.S.S. Have fun with Laurel and tell her i love her! You guys will have a blast! LOve you all dearly! :)

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