Monday, December 30, 2013

December 23, 2013 there is alot that goes down in the mission :) alot to say! Hmmm where to begin? Well....i dont have my camera so i can't send pictures of the week sorry! But we had the mission christmas party and it was way cool :) Got some presents and went to the park of the waters or something like that and its a park full of fancy fountains and way cool stuff and light show thingy kinda like at disney land. It was way cool, but i'll send the pictures next week. We ate a buffet and it was glorious :) So i forgot my name this week, in my head i am now Elder Bururp. It was hilarious. Couple of things that are awesome, so yesterday at church an investigador ancient came to church. We were waiting for ward counsel to start and we saw him waiting near the bishops office and we asked what he was doing and he told us he was waiting for an interview wiht the bishop because he wanted to be baptized. We started grinning and the members that were near were staring wide eyed and mouths agape. It was awesome. Our investigador Joseph asked if he could be baptized yesterday too :) it was so awesome! He told us last week that he would come to church on his own yesterday and we thought he probably wasnt going to come. But after the sacrament he walked in :) It made my day :) He made friends in the church too. We taught him about the LDM (libro de mormon) last night too and he said he would read and we are going to invite him to be baptized. I am so so so excited :) Yesterdya too i had the opportunity to participate in a priesthood ordianiation with a recent convert. It was so so so good. I felt the spirit so so strong. It was an amazing experience. Mom i am going to call later today im pretty sure for the precall to set stuff up. I am so excited :) not sure when but its going to happen. And skype if we can, but....i dont have a skype account! So when i call have ready a skype account from jon or laurel or janae or someone that i can barrow for christmas. So excited  :) So happy for David! Woot woot. That is awesome. Mexico. What what. And Helen leaves that soon!? Whaa. So exciting. So happy for the Browns and theri boys as well :) what a happy and glorious time. Thanks for the notes from tanner and austin :) and pictures. Janae that is so awesome Nate said his prayer about baptism and church :) what a cute little buddy. Sounds like you guys had a cool experience with the edlers and giving christmas to those families :) Good job with the missionaries!

Mom my package is in serpost right now and after this i am going ot the office to sign a power of attorny so they can get it! So stoked. Thanks mom :) Sounds like Andrew is doing well and so happy for him as well :) I miss all my cousins as well :) Laurel i cracked up about how mormon. org denied your profile because the use of slang en spanish. Hilarious

Romanos 12:1-2 says that we need to give a sacrafice of our bodies to the Lord. (Sounds wierd in enlgish, look up the scripture and read it :) sorry) and then in mosiah 2:34 que we need to entergarle todo lo que TENEIS y SOIS. Meaning give everything we HAVE and ARE. I love these scriptures as they command us to live the law of consegration. Sometimes as a missionary you do "give your body to God" because somethimes we dont eat, this week havent had clean clothes, freezing cold water to shower, sleep, walking everything. But....i am so so HAPPY :) in mosiah it says we need ot give everything we have and are. I love this and how it says who you are! We need to change our nature not our behavior. Change our minds and thoughts feelings. Change the natrual man, desires and heart. And in verse 2 of romanos that if we do this we can become transformed. I want to be transformed. In mateo22:14 dice que many people are called but few are choosen. I dont know if this is bad but i want to be chosen. I want to be transformed. I want to give my ALL like Andrew said. Its difficult like you said dad about mike. I have no idea how he could have done it. So very difficult in germany but give everything i have to the kingdom of God. 

So glad to hear about another miracle with dads scans :) we are so very blessed :) 

Hurrah for Israel
Feliz Navidad 
Elder Burrup

P.S. i forgot something but i cant remember! Ahhh...hmmmm well. I sure love you guys os much :) 

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