Sunday, December 22, 2013

November 27, 2013

The last p-day in ccm :) so stoked to get going! I LOVE the spanish distrito. It is AWESOME! Only spanish everyday all day. Okay i'm gonna blast you with all my random stuff first.....So my new comp is Elder Romero de Ecuador and i absolutely love him always cracking chistes but he is SO focused on the.....obra of the Lord. Forgetting my english! :) I love him. There is an hermana ransom from home. I dont know her but she knows dad. Before this group of latinos came elder johnson was throwing up and had the siempres like crazy at the same time like all day. I felt so bad for him. It was so hard i love him so much and it made me hurt for him....kinda like mom does for me :) I understand the love of a companionship now and i can only imagine in the field. But i gave him a blessing and he was fine that night and in the morning. Umm i just received the dear elder from a little late tehe. But shout out Annalise k (sorry don't know how to spell your name! theh) for sending me a dear elder! Jon there is an elder in my distrito de trujillo and he is awesome :) So like the first night or 2nd night that we switched to latino district elder gilbert (from my old distrito who transferred with me to spanish and is in my new distrito too) started yelling in spanish in the middle of the night....twice. It was hilarious. I had a dream about tanner and austy and natorade! :) I have it written down....but i don't remember the dream tehe. But i hope everybodys birthday was fabulous :) COOLEST thing ever...2 days earthquake! It was probably the the coolest thing i've ever experienced. I was studying int he capilla with elder romero and elder sanchez and tacza and all the sudden it started to rumble i thought the ac was turning on and then the table started shaking! But then elder tacza just nonchalantly said Un temblor, esta bien and kept on studying. It was hilarious :) But the GROUND was shaking. Seriously one of the coolest things i've experienced :) Also this snippet is especially por dad.....mexican spanish.....i love :) They speak so clearly and loud but....way fast but they don't munch the words like the peruvians and ecuadorians tehe :)

At first i couldnt understand Elder nothing whatsoever but i can understand everything after about a couple hours being with him but one of the first things he said to me was i teach you spanish and you teach me english :) his englsih is pretty broken but he is a quick learner. So in the mornings spanish is so easy for me but by the night my mind is fried and i feel like i cant talk at all my mind is completely jumbled but this one night i was really having a hard time and i expressed to Elder Romero that i felt like i wasn't progressing at all and he started talking and i started weeping telling me i could do it and i had been progressing and it is okay. I was doing good. Well...i think thats what he said :) tehe. But i really do love elder romero he is amazing and has an awesome testimony and knowledge of the scriptures.

Well i am glad to see and hear pictures about vegas and laurel. Ive prayed for you laurel and hope the change is going well for you. Help mom and dad suck up as much of the missionary wave as possible :) they have been doing a great job as missionaries talking about their church life and sharing pieces of the church. Keep it up mom and dad love it :)

Nicole your tummmy is huge! :)

All the latinos call me elder burro or straight up elder donkey. Like ALL the missionaries. Its hilarious.

Dad thanks for your letter it was awesome :) I can feel myself changing and morphing into a servant and i am striving to give it my all. i read in mateo 10 8 and 39 and i thought about how EVERYTHING is the lords and i really need ot work on consecrating every minute like you said alma did. Its the lords minutes not mine.

Mom i bet you are loving having laurel and wont let go of her or hugging her :) tehe. But thanks for your letter too! I am doing good and i am posiitvie and happy :) no worries!

Jon that suit looks dang good :) tehe. What you said about others en this work is so true. ive totally been thinking about that lately too....this work is not about me or anything. It is about the people. In verse 8 of 10 mateo it says we are here to heal and cleanse others, meaning we are para Invitar las personas a venir a Cristo ayudarlas a que reciban el evangelio restaurado medianted la fe en jesuscristo and SU EXPIACION. We are here to help them receive cristo and la expiacion. OTRAS. The end of the verse says we must give what hwe have recieved. I have been so blessed and i need to share this glorious message :) I love it. Elder andesren said to remove the plalabara I from the vocabulario banc. Only others.

This work is of the Lords. Ther other day we did a practice thing about the book of mormon and i was practicing with elder sanchez and it was an awesome expereince. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The words are true and we will draw closer to the savior as we read and study the word. How glorious this book is. I testify of its truthfulness, and invite you to read the ultimate paragraphs in the introduction. It is a wonderful book of the savior. In the name of our brother, savior and redeemer, The savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hurrah for Israel
Elder Burrup

P.S. All the pictures are of the people leaving this week into the campo. And i was in like 5 because ive switched districts likes crazy. but the first one elder hurst is giving little bunny ears :) tehe

P.S. I love you guys so much!

Elder Tacza he is hilarious.....we have flex time during classes and i told him in english it means to flex your muscles so he thought it was hilarious. He is in my distrito and he cracks me up! But i had a special experience with him because yesterday he felt like he couldn't be a missinoary, didn't have the spirit or anything and i shared some scriptures and testimony and he is good now :) and all in spanish :) and he receives his endowment today!

A bunch of missionaries going to Lima Este

me and my comp and an hermana maestra who always teases me. but she is going to byu to study and i told her to look for jon cause she wants to work at the ccm,. My comps name is elder romero. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH :) he is AMAZING

Rama Manti:
Elder Hurst, Elder Burrop, Elder Allgaier, Elder Thomas, Elder Barnson, Elder Brimhall, Elder Maxwell, Elder Walker
Elder Riddle, Elder Watson, Elder Andrew, Elder Gilbert, Elder Miranda, Elder Johnson
Hna. Crow, Hna. Villarini, Hna. Harrop, Hna. Cardon, Pdte. Cardon, Hna. Waldron, Hna. Huppe

Elder Burrop, Elder Artola, Elder Walker, Elder Benavides, Elder Nuñez, Elder Espitia, Elder Cantos, Elder Ojeda
Elder Ugalde, Elder Hurtado, Elder Gilbert, Elder Ajnota, Elder Torres, Elder Rodriguez, Elder Tacza, Elder Lazcano
Elder Orozco, Elder Rivas, Elder Sevilla, Elder Chiroque, Elder Magaña, Elder Marin, Elder Sulluchuco, Elder Ricapa
Elder Sanchez, Elder Niño, Elder Cueva, Elder García, Elder Romero, Elder Chicaiza, Elder Fernandez, Elder Hilario
Hna. Inca, Hna. Jimenez, Hna. Sulla, Hna. Sullasi, Hna. Osinaga, Hna. Tigre, Hna. Ramirez, Hna. Apolo
Hna. Callejas, Hna. Pin, Hna. Mariano
Hna. Paris, Hna. Villarini, Hna. Cardon, Pdte. Cardon, Hna. Molina, Hna. Sanchez

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