Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 16, 2013

What a crazy crazy week :) I absolutely love the missionary life :)   Elder Hernandez calls me Elder Cain because of my hairy arms and the little kids think its teh coolest strangest thing ever and always touch it and stuff kinda funny :) and i am getting way chunky! tehe. In serious i am chubby now :) after meals with members, when we have tyhem :) i have to loosen my belt and unbutton my pants :) Other cool thing is remember mom when  was reading the church news and i told you how they were making that new stake in serving in it :) way cool and its kinda cool and historically because its the 100th stake in peru! Santa Patricia.

Jon you are not going to believe this....i saw and hugged Presidente Mora! I wanted to take a picture but i didnt havbe my camera! He told me yo uneeded to write him especially because he didnt know you were married! I think thats what he told me. Pretty cool. 

I'm loving here. I've had a couple really cool experiences. So i can't remember if i told you this but one day i was a little bummed because we had nobody, hardly anybody wants to hear the gospel in san borja and nobody in their houses or anything and i asked elder hernandez where all the chosen people? where are the people the lord has promised? the field seems so green green green i see no white. But the lord has promised us that it would white. The next day we were walking and a jovencito of 12 years asked us who were who we represent the whole shabang. He came to church with us this sunday and everything :) golden. Yesterday a different guy showed up a church and said he wanted to get to know the church a little better and he is pretty much a member he just needs to be baptized! But this week we are gonna work hard. Also i had the opportunity to go on divisions with an ap :) kinda strange but because there was a missionary choir thing and i couldn't do it cause i'm a nuevo and he didn't want to do it so he was my comp. It was way cool! He is from chile and has red hair :) but i learned a ton and i participated in a leccion with a family and it was glorious! :) i could speak the language and share scriptures and everything! I felt the spirit so so so strong :) It was amazing!

Thanks for the pictures janae :) loved them! Sounds and looks like you guys had a blast :) 

Mom tell my friends to shoot me an email about their mission calls....or wedding announcments. Whichever comes first. tehe :) 

Sure miss you guys and hope the christmas season finds you well! I miss eggnog :) tehe. 

And i have homework for everyone or for fhe. Read dyc 38:40-42 and marcus 2-1-12 and find the connection about member missionary work. Here in the mission we have a couple dealios of the mission. First the missionary objetivo of course but this is our motto in english :) In the mission peru lima east we baptize and confirm converso weekly, and to acheive this we have some punts that we recite every morning and one of them is to work with members and liders. I know this is were the true work is and the lasting work and lasting conversos. A rule we have that is kinda cool in the mission is every day every minute todo el tiemp we have our book of mormon in our hand. ALWAYS. The mission gave us forros and its el maximo :)

Hurrah for Israel
with love

Elder Burrup

san borja is loaded with christmas stuff sometimes it feels like new york and there are a ton of parks like central park. Chevere 
our breakfast and sometimes dinner and lunhc, juice yougur and ceral :)

miembro bought uys sandwiches one night and they were HUGE but here in peru they spell sandwich sanguaches...its hilarious :)

doughnuts thingies with my sanguaches :)

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