Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 14, 2013

So real quick before i forget......pday next week is on tuesday. My last 2 pday in the CCM :) getting so so so so excited and i have an interview to see if im in a tino district for the last 2ish weeks! Getting so ectited! Ill be praying for dabb and burrup babies as well as uncle roy as well. So one of my companeros de cuarto (we get tinos every week and halfish) his name is elder cruz and the only member of his family and been a member for a 1 year. He has 3 ties. Amazing Elder i go to sleep at night and he is studying i wake up in the morning and he is study. He said he wants to know everything about the gospel! Amazing the sacrifice of some of these elders. Incredible. So ill send a picture but i got really close to an argentinian district this week. So awesome. Me and elder johnson had a goal to sit with the tinos 1 time a day for a meal and improve our spanish. Holy cow comprehension increase hard core and chickeness for speaking spanish declined. They would call me elder ron weasly and they thought it was hilarious :) Another funny thing is everybody gets sick here. And it barely hit me this week so me and elder johnson have planning sessions while sitting on the john. I think its hilarious. 

Elder russel m nelson (yes like one of the brethren, 12 apostles) is coming tomorrow. so stoked. And elder rasband too. 

Ummm sitting in class i had the strongest desire for jojos and ranch :) kinda random tehe. umm anything else random......? We heard in a fireside from mtc that there was a huge tsunami in indonesia? what whas that all about?

Jon the saber sentir hacer pattern....i keep seeing it everywhere and the teachrers are now sharing stuff like that. Glad you taught me how to use PME and everything in it :) Went to the temple today again. Was amazing. Mom tell the walkers thank yo so much! Such kind people i want to be like them! Also pouch mail and dear elder? No idea if it works or not. But if you send anything send it to the mission home. Yes i can write emails here in the ccm to others but i dunno about the mission field. But anyone is welcome to email me but no guarantees ill email them back. and i sent an email to elder lee :) Glad to hear you sharing it with Big E and his family! Tell big e to send me an email or somehting :) Glad to hear austy is doing well too! Send pictures of the house mom :) 

My favorite part about being a missionary is putting my nametag on in the morning :) i love it. I feel the time zipping by already and it kinda freaks me out! But i am very very very excited to soon get out and actually preach the word! It will be awesome :) I feel like ive been a missionary forever and i love it! I love spending so much time with my nose in the scriptures. Its amazing. Me and elder johnson drew a little picture of a man and we called him papa pedro predicando practicambus and pinned him o the wall or chair and we practice teaching him and its hilarious but we get going and we can actually feel the spirit as we role play with this made up face of a man. Kinda silly but i can testify that when we take practice role plays seriously and try to teach a REAL investigador then it is AMAZING :) we did it with another elder too a different time and the spirit was so strong! SOmethins we look out the window over the wall s adn just think about all the people white for the picking :) Need to get busy! Today when we were on the bus (its crazy jammed in these buses) i saw this lady reading a folleto about counseling for the depressed and i had brought a plan de salvacion folleto with me and i wanted to talk to her so bad but i was jammed in too far back anyways on the way out i tried to give it to her but she said no and i was sad. Like legitamently saddend she wouldnt take it because i know she would be happier! Holy smokes.The gospel of jesus christ is real. I want to be the missionary i can to be an instrument in the Lords hands to share this wonderful and glorious gospel. Help it progress and not impede. Mom tell me more about ed and gilbert please! Somehow my nose gets burned...not sure how but it does. Silliness. saturday we are going proselyting again! Getting get humbled agian :) tehe.
Excited for the family to all be together especially with Laurel! :) How exciting. Take lots of pictures for me :) dad thank you for your notes. I love them dearly! I miss you and your wisdom and your love for the lord :)
Hurrah for Israel

Elder Burrup

P.S. i am learning come come ye saints on the harmonica :)

This is the Argentine district that I got close to

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