Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 3, 2014

Jon what a neat experience you had to bless your little baby you are a father :) so cool. You guys are going to have a blast with kirsty and mike and the boys. Ten cuidado con los sobrinos y tu hija. jaja I can picture it now tanner o austin o weston pinching her little cheeks or something haha :) 

Janae and Steve i got your little note :) thank you so much it meant a lot to me and geave me a little turbo boost :) Hope your vacation is the bomb diggity.

Thanks for all the pictures :) i love seeing my wonderful family and my sobrinos :) especially nate with a lacrosse stick :)

I am still here in San Borja....yup :) and working hard. We are going to have a baptism this week and i am so excited. His name is eric and he is PERFECT. He is from gold. We are inviting every single member personally to come to the bautptism so we can have a mountain of people there. 

Laurel, like your trainer my trainer taught me how to work and love the members. How necessary it is to work with them to have success. Espceially here in san borja its a little limited but with the help and suppiort of members we can succeedd and have success. 

My new comp is elder martinez, from argentina and he is the bomb diggity. The first day i was with him i couldnt understand him.... :) it was kinda funny cuase I had to ask him like three times what he was saying everythime there was y or ll. He thought i just couldnt speak or understand spanish :) jaja. 

This week was a little hard we had 2 days of straight walking contacting and trying ot find people to teach and citas que fallaron. It was hard. But htis week we are going ot have success and follow forward...seguir adelante...push forward. What we are struggling with that you guys can pray for is the finding aspect of the work. That we can find the people that are ready that are chosen. Maybe they are hiding but they are ready and we need to cross their path and find them. Becuase we don't really have any new investigatores. But in know that the lord has someone prepared and ready we just have to hunt them down. A funny story that happened this week was we went to talk with a hna that we had previously contacted last week or something and toque el timbre and the mom or someone came out and i asked if andrea was home. She told me no and she didnt live there. Well i said ya okay that's alright but i began to contact this lady. And i asked her name. Her amiga or sister or someone came out in this moment and began to yell at english. good enlish saying don't worry about that you don't need ot know her name and this and that. I pretended like i didnt kniow english. I told her in spanish that i didn't understand. And that i am from cajamarca (its a place her in peru that there are white people and blue eyes) and the lady said ..oh....a little confused and then began to yell in spanish. Me and elder martinez turned around laughing hysterically. Sometimes when the old ladies and grandmas just yell at us its kinda funny and we cant help but laugh. haha. 

Ernesto recieved the priesthood yesterday and i he was so so happy. He is progressing really well in the gospel. 

My scripture is alma 8:10. (Read it).......alma esforzaba in the spirit and worked and prayed and fought to have baptisms. En his previous area of melek he was baptizing a whole ton but then he got transfered to ammoniah and the key indicatores were low. He tried so hard, he prayed and worked ot have baptisms. You guys know how it is to be missionarys and not have baptisms. You guys were once missionaries. Maybe a whole ton of years atras but you guys have experienced this desire to bring people to the gospel and the celestial kingdom. Somethimes we hace the desire and the we are willing and working hard but we lack the people to teach. Support the missionarys in the ward. En realidad the missionarys are their to support the membros not the other way around. Work with the missionarys. talk with them. support them in their sacred calling. I know that if you can particpate in the work the lord will bless you tremendously and youy will have more joy more success in your small families. We work in the vineyard of the Lord alongside the savior. I know this is his work of salvacion. En el nombre de Jesucristo Amen.

Sure love you family :) you guys are amazing :) keep up the work.

Elder Burrup

February 24, 2014

We had baptism!!!!!! :) it was so beautiful :) i felt so much joy. He shared his testimony in the service and it was so beautiful. It put me to cry a little. My first convert that ive seen the whole process. He has progressed and i have seen his spiritual growth tremendously. In almost exactly 6 weeks. He has told me he wants to go to the temple so so bad. I am so happy to be part of this work of salvation. 
But this part of this story is a little sad, not one single member came to the baptism. Okay well the mission lider and his mom. His cousin that baptized him and his wife. No member of the bishopric or other member from the barrio. NOBODY. I was a little saddened by this. And then the following day in sacrament meeting is always the confirmation and they forgot about that. This ticked me off a little. I have grown to love this man and when the ward doesn't support him and completely forget about his baptism it tweeks me a little. The problem was there was a ward activity competition thing with a different ward a championship futbol game and ping pong championship between this ward and the other. I understand for the poeple and families that are in it but....i dunno i was a little tweeked that we had absolutely 0 members that came. And the siblings of ernesto came too. Not members. The work is with the ward. Support the missionaries. even if you dont the person getting baptized GO. Every soul is precious in the sight of the God. 

Jon i met another buddy of yours Eric Mejia. He told me you and dad and janae had helped him a lot and supported him. He told me to give you his numbers 943750853  and 5749564. Its been great experiences when people express their love for you dear brother. You were truly a marvelous missionary. (Hope you still are tehe) 

Laurel glad to hear you were able to go to the baptism of franky. Was a blessing and a miracle :) You were an amazing missionary :) Keep it up. Sure love you dear sister.

Kirsten and Janae....In sacrament there was little boys sitting in front of me and a family that is recently investigating and their boys were next to me. I have stickers...thanks mom :).....that let me interact with the little ones. And i had a flash mode in my mind of my beautiful sisters and their children. of tanner and austin and nate and you guys being so patient and loving with your sweet little boys. I kinda started to cry but i felt the love of moms. Kinda silly but i thought of my wonderful sisters and their children. (Nicole will be teaching and having patience with her little girl too:) )

A experience i had this week that was absolutely wonderful was i was doing divisiones and our citas had been cancelled or pushed back. And we decided to do contacts. We were walking and i felt we should contact the green house. And even cooler it was 111 and then yo toque la puerta and i told my comp that we were going to enter and teach which is rare in san borja. But then we went in and taught :) the mom told me when she was younger she wanted to get baptized but her parents wouldn't let her and her best friend was baptized it was amazing. It was a testimony to me that we can work by the spirit :) it was an awesome experience. 

Im a little short on time but this is the scripture i wanna share is 2 nefi 3:21 that says la debelidad de sus palabras yo fortalecere en su fe. Mom with your faith en the discussion with this hna you can speak by the power of the God with poder and with the spirit. Have faith in the power of God and the spirit and you can speak mighty things. I have seen this promise fulfilled countless times in my mission todavia. How glorious is the gospel!!!
Hurrah for Israel 
Elder Burrup

Love you all :)

February 17, 2014

Okay...well i am so excited to hear about the Kulmus family :) how beautiful and wonderful for them. How is the lady that wants to be sealed with her family that grandpa is working with? Sounds like the family and the sobrinos are all growing up...its crazy how fast the time is going! Elder Toro finishes this week. Im kinda bummed especially because we aren't going to be able to contact with toro y burro tehe. (Mom toro es bull y burro es donkey we always contact with this little joke to break the ice :)

Please pray for these people and there needs so they can progress in the gospel

Familia Blotte-they are miembros but the wife is recent. They have problems in their marriage, she is like our mom she we dinner with them almost every night. Pray that the esposo can have patience and contiuna faithful in the gospel and in his covenants. 

Eric-that he can feel the truthfulness of the BoM and that he can come to church with is sons

Yola cuyubamba-that she can feel the same feelings of the spirit, that she can act and have the desire to be bauptised.

This are just a few of the biggest needs with our investigadores. This week i have i seen the need to invite to be baptized in the first lesson. We know have investigadores that are progresando for a fecha. I was scared to do it the first couple times but once i did it i want to do it with everyone now :) i want to invite every single person on the street to be baptized in the following month :) My purpose is to get people bauptised. Through the means of repentance and strengthening their faith but the ultimate goal is baptism. Well the ultimate goal is the temple and the celestial kingdom. But with me as a missionary--baptism. My invitation for you guys is to be missionaries. Remember you can all be a missionaries. Just simple open your mouth....JTAYCL. This was something i heard when i was at home...just talk about your church life. If you go to the grocery store or out in public you can always find a route to open your mouth about some principle or doctrine or something to talk about the church. ALWAYS. If you say something silly or its awkward. Its okay, the lord will bless you and you'll never see them again. It seems kinda scary sometimes but in realidad nah its super easy and you can do it :) remember the covenant we made with baptism, to be a testigo de el. to take is name upon us. We hear this every sunday when we take the sacrament, it is a covenant that we made to be always be missionaries to the world. My invitation is to give a least one reference to the missionaries so they can invite to be baptized in the first leccion. If you give a reference they should have a date to be ready for baptism. A goal to progress and achieve. I know if you can do this your lives will be blessed and see the joy and gozo from someone elses progreess in the gospel and see their salvation. 


Elder Burrup
p.s. We have a baptism this saturday...Ernesto :) he is so excited to be baptized :) love you!

Feb 10, 2014

This week has been full of miracles! :) it is just so wonderful to see the miracles in this work :) We went and contacted this reference and he is de oro! Seriously. We began with a prayer and he just started crying and crying during the prayer. The spirit was so strong. Feeling the spirit in a leccion or contact is amazing to feel. The other miracle was we had 9 investigadores come to the chapel yesterday. It was glorious. This week esta llena de citas :) i am very excited for this week. We asisted a bauptimsal service with an investigador and afterwards he told me that he made his decision. he wants to be baptized :) i was so happy i AM so happy :) not this week but the next week is his baptism service. 

That is such an amazing experience with Grandpa! I am so happy for him and you all :) Good work mom shoveling the walks and doing service :) You are an amazing missionary you all are :) Mom...send me a picture of you and dad :) I miss seeing your face and giving you a super tight hug :) sure love you mom :)

pray for them please 
Jussep-(its pronounced joseph)-that he can act, his mom can give permission to be baptized and he can open up and not be so shy
Eric-he can come to church and we can have more time in the week to teach him
Julio-he can act and have a desire to know more about the marriage of his daughter in the temple. 
Hernesto-seguir adelante and finish preparing for bauptism
Maria del Carmen (madre)-can come to church
Maria del Carmen (hija)-have time in spite of her studies to study te scriptures and have lessons with us. and have a deseo to learn more

This week my thought is about murmurring. Presidente y su esposa nos quemaron toda la mision because i guess there has been problems with murmuring like laman and lemuel. En 1 nefi 17:2 it talks about how great the blessings of the lord in their lives.He was always blessing them in their lives. And in the end of the verse nefi says that finally his bothers began to bear their travels without murmuring. When we murmur we cant focus on the miracles of the lord or the blessings or his hand. We cannot murmur. It destroys everything good. Our hopes, dreams, espirtualy and optimism our fe. In exodus 16:8 it explains that the murmuracion es not contrary to us our our leaders or companero but its contrary to the lord. My invitation is to look for the blessing, look fo the miracles, look for the hand of the Lord in your life, in your day, Because he is in the details of our lives he loves us and wants the best for us. Nos cuida. He will always bless us. Be grateful fo every blessing. Offer a pray of gratitude. 
Sure love you family :)
Elder Burrup

P.S. Got the valentines package :) loved the spanish from mom and nicole :) tehe

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