Sunday, February 9, 2014

January 27, 2014

Buenos Dias mi familia :) 

Glad to hear all is well with nicole and the new sweet baby girl :) also i am so happy about kaitlin and robert :) how wonderful for them. It is a little crazy that weston is about done with his mission! How crazy. Seems like yesterday that he left! How cool that all my buddies are headed out on there missions as well. Couple of quick questions? How is mike and the practice going? and is janae, steve, nate and aubrey alive?! I haven't heard from them! 

Thanks to family Scott and Janel for the package :) 

Mom thanks for your letter :) i am definitely seeing the hand of the lord in the work here in san borja and i am learning a monton de cosas de mi companero Elder Toro. El es from Colombia. He es el maximo. I have difficulties talking english now! The other day elder toro asked me to pray in english and i tried....i couldn't! It was the weirdest thing ever. 

The work is pressing forward here in San Borja. it is exciting to be part of this work! Please pray for this people in specific:
Hernesto-so he can receive his answer
Estela-live the ley de castidad y dejar su esposo o el corazon de su esposo puede ser ablandado
Hna Delia-puede tener su deseo para continuar y actuar, sentir
Hna Yola Cuyubamba- Ella puede sentir el necessidad de bautismo, ella puede sentir los mismos sentimientos y sus esposo es un desafio tambien. 

This quote from elder Maxwell and i've thought about the atonement a lot and how it plays a roll in the process of conversion. How it is the base of my proposito. It is central to all. 
Elder Neal A Maxwell..... Consider this: What of Jesus’ ministry if He had performed additional miracles but without the transcending miracle of Gethsemane and Calvary? His other miracles brought blessed extensions of life and lessened suffering—for some. But how could these miracles possibly compare with the greatest miracle of the universal Resurrection? (see 1 Cor. 15:22). The multiplying of the loaves and fishes fed a hungry multitude. Even so, recipients were soon hungry again, while those who partake of the Bread of Life will never hunger again (see John 6:51, 58).

The lord can work miracles but more important is the need to change with the atonement, to change and use the atonement. Spiritual healing is more important than physical healing. I thought of dad and the desafios that we had with dad and i thought that all is for not if we do not use the atonement to become clean again, live as a family with our Heavenly Father. It is critical that use this part of the atonement. Other miracles are wonderful and glorious but we must use the redeeming power of the atonement. Not sure if i explained myself clearly but PME dice that we must repent on a daily basis. I know the power of the atonement is real and it can work in our lives, i invite you to use the atonement DAILY. In the name of the savior and redeemer Jesucristo. Amen

Con amor y carino
Elder Burrup

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