Monday, December 30, 2013

December 23, 2013 there is alot that goes down in the mission :) alot to say! Hmmm where to begin? Well....i dont have my camera so i can't send pictures of the week sorry! But we had the mission christmas party and it was way cool :) Got some presents and went to the park of the waters or something like that and its a park full of fancy fountains and way cool stuff and light show thingy kinda like at disney land. It was way cool, but i'll send the pictures next week. We ate a buffet and it was glorious :) So i forgot my name this week, in my head i am now Elder Bururp. It was hilarious. Couple of things that are awesome, so yesterday at church an investigador ancient came to church. We were waiting for ward counsel to start and we saw him waiting near the bishops office and we asked what he was doing and he told us he was waiting for an interview wiht the bishop because he wanted to be baptized. We started grinning and the members that were near were staring wide eyed and mouths agape. It was awesome. Our investigador Joseph asked if he could be baptized yesterday too :) it was so awesome! He told us last week that he would come to church on his own yesterday and we thought he probably wasnt going to come. But after the sacrament he walked in :) It made my day :) He made friends in the church too. We taught him about the LDM (libro de mormon) last night too and he said he would read and we are going to invite him to be baptized. I am so so so excited :) Yesterdya too i had the opportunity to participate in a priesthood ordianiation with a recent convert. It was so so so good. I felt the spirit so so strong. It was an amazing experience. Mom i am going to call later today im pretty sure for the precall to set stuff up. I am so excited :) not sure when but its going to happen. And skype if we can, but....i dont have a skype account! So when i call have ready a skype account from jon or laurel or janae or someone that i can barrow for christmas. So excited  :) So happy for David! Woot woot. That is awesome. Mexico. What what. And Helen leaves that soon!? Whaa. So exciting. So happy for the Browns and theri boys as well :) what a happy and glorious time. Thanks for the notes from tanner and austin :) and pictures. Janae that is so awesome Nate said his prayer about baptism and church :) what a cute little buddy. Sounds like you guys had a cool experience with the edlers and giving christmas to those families :) Good job with the missionaries!

Mom my package is in serpost right now and after this i am going ot the office to sign a power of attorny so they can get it! So stoked. Thanks mom :) Sounds like Andrew is doing well and so happy for him as well :) I miss all my cousins as well :) Laurel i cracked up about how mormon. org denied your profile because the use of slang en spanish. Hilarious

Romanos 12:1-2 says that we need to give a sacrafice of our bodies to the Lord. (Sounds wierd in enlgish, look up the scripture and read it :) sorry) and then in mosiah 2:34 que we need to entergarle todo lo que TENEIS y SOIS. Meaning give everything we HAVE and ARE. I love these scriptures as they command us to live the law of consegration. Sometimes as a missionary you do "give your body to God" because somethimes we dont eat, this week havent had clean clothes, freezing cold water to shower, sleep, walking everything. But....i am so so HAPPY :) in mosiah it says we need ot give everything we have and are. I love this and how it says who you are! We need to change our nature not our behavior. Change our minds and thoughts feelings. Change the natrual man, desires and heart. And in verse 2 of romanos that if we do this we can become transformed. I want to be transformed. In mateo22:14 dice que many people are called but few are choosen. I dont know if this is bad but i want to be chosen. I want to be transformed. I want to give my ALL like Andrew said. Its difficult like you said dad about mike. I have no idea how he could have done it. So very difficult in germany but give everything i have to the kingdom of God. 

So glad to hear about another miracle with dads scans :) we are so very blessed :) 

Hurrah for Israel
Feliz Navidad 
Elder Burrup

P.S. i forgot something but i cant remember! Ahhh...hmmmm well. I sure love you guys os much :) 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 16, 2013

What a crazy crazy week :) I absolutely love the missionary life :)   Elder Hernandez calls me Elder Cain because of my hairy arms and the little kids think its teh coolest strangest thing ever and always touch it and stuff kinda funny :) and i am getting way chunky! tehe. In serious i am chubby now :) after meals with members, when we have tyhem :) i have to loosen my belt and unbutton my pants :) Other cool thing is remember mom when  was reading the church news and i told you how they were making that new stake in serving in it :) way cool and its kinda cool and historically because its the 100th stake in peru! Santa Patricia.

Jon you are not going to believe this....i saw and hugged Presidente Mora! I wanted to take a picture but i didnt havbe my camera! He told me yo uneeded to write him especially because he didnt know you were married! I think thats what he told me. Pretty cool. 

I'm loving here. I've had a couple really cool experiences. So i can't remember if i told you this but one day i was a little bummed because we had nobody, hardly anybody wants to hear the gospel in san borja and nobody in their houses or anything and i asked elder hernandez where all the chosen people? where are the people the lord has promised? the field seems so green green green i see no white. But the lord has promised us that it would white. The next day we were walking and a jovencito of 12 years asked us who were who we represent the whole shabang. He came to church with us this sunday and everything :) golden. Yesterday a different guy showed up a church and said he wanted to get to know the church a little better and he is pretty much a member he just needs to be baptized! But this week we are gonna work hard. Also i had the opportunity to go on divisions with an ap :) kinda strange but because there was a missionary choir thing and i couldn't do it cause i'm a nuevo and he didn't want to do it so he was my comp. It was way cool! He is from chile and has red hair :) but i learned a ton and i participated in a leccion with a family and it was glorious! :) i could speak the language and share scriptures and everything! I felt the spirit so so so strong :) It was amazing!

Thanks for the pictures janae :) loved them! Sounds and looks like you guys had a blast :) 

Mom tell my friends to shoot me an email about their mission calls....or wedding announcments. Whichever comes first. tehe :) 

Sure miss you guys and hope the christmas season finds you well! I miss eggnog :) tehe. 

And i have homework for everyone or for fhe. Read dyc 38:40-42 and marcus 2-1-12 and find the connection about member missionary work. Here in the mission we have a couple dealios of the mission. First the missionary objetivo of course but this is our motto in english :) In the mission peru lima east we baptize and confirm converso weekly, and to acheive this we have some punts that we recite every morning and one of them is to work with members and liders. I know this is were the true work is and the lasting work and lasting conversos. A rule we have that is kinda cool in the mission is every day every minute todo el tiemp we have our book of mormon in our hand. ALWAYS. The mission gave us forros and its el maximo :)

Hurrah for Israel
with love

Elder Burrup

san borja is loaded with christmas stuff sometimes it feels like new york and there are a ton of parks like central park. Chevere 
our breakfast and sometimes dinner and lunhc, juice yougur and ceral :)

miembro bought uys sandwiches one night and they were HUGE but here in peru they spell sandwich sanguaches...its hilarious :)

doughnuts thingies with my sanguaches :)

Dec 10, 2013

Oh how i love the mission. Couple things before i forget, I need a zucchini bread recipe for an old abuelita that feeds us. Another crazy thing that's hilarious is we were walking to a menos activo house and all the sudden i heard a TON of screaming and i started ducking cause i thought some people were getting shot up or something or there was a riot or fight but Everybody was yelling and i heard i bunch of things smashing and people hollering out their windows and then i heard someone yell GOOOAAALLLL :) and i realize that everbody was watching a futbol game :) tehe, Me and my comp started laughing so hard. So my companero is AWESOME. He has 24 years and is from mexico. I love him. He is seriously the best. My area is san borja, and holy cow, its huge! Its lima lima and rich rich of lima. Everbody has dogs, smoking and cars and bikes. I was a little confused because the places we went proseltizing in the ccm was pobrecitos. And my area is very wealthy. We have 2 investigadors and they aren't really progressing. THe obra is really difficult and slow here. And i guess there was problems a little bit with the members a few weeks ago. Elder Hernandez (my comp) was sent here to regain the trust. We are wroking alot with the members and menos activos. And i pencionista got a different job so the first 3 days of the missinon i was fasting pretty much :) Bread and yogur :) and the famous durazno juice :) yum. and our search for a pencion continues. But this week has been AWESOME :) i LOVE the field. it is the best. We walk like crazy! And even though my first week kinda sounds lame and stinky it has been AMAZING :) This upcoming week we have a couple nuevos and hopefully more on the way. Our goal for contacts is kinda overwhelming because the area is really hard to contact people and especially because there are no doors. only intercoms. But this week is gonna be awesome. So stoked. 
Jon i met 2 people that know you! First is a teacher in the ccm, hno Granados from chipotle barrio gedeon. He said he served a mini mission with you. 
second is Hna Salgastegui. She is in my zone and said the assitentes were always tight with her family because....i don't remember but its chevere. Sounds like you and Nicole had a crazy time with keys and such! But i bet you guys had a blast in vegas and it sounds CRAZY at kirstys house :)

Just remembered....shout out to Aubrey Sintay for the Letter!

Umm.....Thanks for the notes tan and austy :) Sure love you buddies! 
Im excited to be able to receive notes from nate too! Is he talking real good?
Thanks for all the pictures too! It sounds like you guys had an absolute blast and thnk you all for the notes! Laurel just like it takes time to ease into the mission it takes time to ease out too :) no worries! 
Jon i got shocked in the shower like all the stories you used to tell us tehe. But showers in the morning are frigid! Ice cold. Our apartment is tiny! But i avsolutely love it :) its the best. My ability to talk and understand is increasing! I am frogetting words en inglish. A veces durante las lecciones english words pop out of my mouth. Tehe. Presidente Ardila is amazing :) i absolutely lovbe him and his wife. Yesterday i got over my fear of just talking spanish with everyone even if i screw up i just need to open my mouth and i've been working on that, dyc 38:8-10. But yesterday during church priesthood i rose my hand and talked, then i was on divisions and i helped teach a lesson and was really involved and last night on the bus i felt like i should sit by this young guy instead of my companero so i did and i talked to him and his mom and he wanted to hear the gospel and it was so COOL :) 
There is a lady who is amazing that wants the zuccinnii recipe, her name is hna yalli and she has like 75 years and she speaks fluent enlish because she used to live in cali. But she loves the missionaries and loads the elders up with food every time. Her plates are HUGE. She is like grandma but lives in peru and speaks spanish :) Every meal here in peru i have to loosen my pants to finish the food :) tehe and cant button my pants and tighten my belt until later :) tehe
But Thats all i can remember right now and i absolutely love peru its amazing. This gospel is glorious. If this gospel wasn't true i would be here. We had an appointment and the lady was questioning alot and i asked why i was here and i bore my testimony it was special. The church is true. i KNOW IT. 
DyC 38:40-42 is the scripture for everyone who reads this. Haganlo. Share the gospel. True missionary work is with the members. The mission motto is to baptize and confirm weekly. It needs to be with members. 
I love this work and i know i am in san borja for a reason with elder hernandez. What a glorious calling and opportunity to serve the lord :)
Hurrah For Israel
Elder Burrup

P.S. Packages and letters send to the mission home. Love you all so much. Sorry kinda a long one but a lot to fit in! Love you all dearly
El cuarto pequeno


November 27, 2013

The last p-day in ccm :) so stoked to get going! I LOVE the spanish distrito. It is AWESOME! Only spanish everyday all day. Okay i'm gonna blast you with all my random stuff first.....So my new comp is Elder Romero de Ecuador and i absolutely love him always cracking chistes but he is SO focused on the.....obra of the Lord. Forgetting my english! :) I love him. There is an hermana ransom from home. I dont know her but she knows dad. Before this group of latinos came elder johnson was throwing up and had the siempres like crazy at the same time like all day. I felt so bad for him. It was so hard i love him so much and it made me hurt for him....kinda like mom does for me :) I understand the love of a companionship now and i can only imagine in the field. But i gave him a blessing and he was fine that night and in the morning. Umm i just received the dear elder from a little late tehe. But shout out Annalise k (sorry don't know how to spell your name! theh) for sending me a dear elder! Jon there is an elder in my distrito de trujillo and he is awesome :) So like the first night or 2nd night that we switched to latino district elder gilbert (from my old distrito who transferred with me to spanish and is in my new distrito too) started yelling in spanish in the middle of the night....twice. It was hilarious. I had a dream about tanner and austy and natorade! :) I have it written down....but i don't remember the dream tehe. But i hope everybodys birthday was fabulous :) COOLEST thing ever...2 days earthquake! It was probably the the coolest thing i've ever experienced. I was studying int he capilla with elder romero and elder sanchez and tacza and all the sudden it started to rumble i thought the ac was turning on and then the table started shaking! But then elder tacza just nonchalantly said Un temblor, esta bien and kept on studying. It was hilarious :) But the GROUND was shaking. Seriously one of the coolest things i've experienced :) Also this snippet is especially por dad.....mexican spanish.....i love :) They speak so clearly and loud but....way fast but they don't munch the words like the peruvians and ecuadorians tehe :)

At first i couldnt understand Elder nothing whatsoever but i can understand everything after about a couple hours being with him but one of the first things he said to me was i teach you spanish and you teach me english :) his englsih is pretty broken but he is a quick learner. So in the mornings spanish is so easy for me but by the night my mind is fried and i feel like i cant talk at all my mind is completely jumbled but this one night i was really having a hard time and i expressed to Elder Romero that i felt like i wasn't progressing at all and he started talking and i started weeping telling me i could do it and i had been progressing and it is okay. I was doing good. Well...i think thats what he said :) tehe. But i really do love elder romero he is amazing and has an awesome testimony and knowledge of the scriptures.

Well i am glad to see and hear pictures about vegas and laurel. Ive prayed for you laurel and hope the change is going well for you. Help mom and dad suck up as much of the missionary wave as possible :) they have been doing a great job as missionaries talking about their church life and sharing pieces of the church. Keep it up mom and dad love it :)

Nicole your tummmy is huge! :)

All the latinos call me elder burro or straight up elder donkey. Like ALL the missionaries. Its hilarious.

Dad thanks for your letter it was awesome :) I can feel myself changing and morphing into a servant and i am striving to give it my all. i read in mateo 10 8 and 39 and i thought about how EVERYTHING is the lords and i really need ot work on consecrating every minute like you said alma did. Its the lords minutes not mine.

Mom i bet you are loving having laurel and wont let go of her or hugging her :) tehe. But thanks for your letter too! I am doing good and i am posiitvie and happy :) no worries!

Jon that suit looks dang good :) tehe. What you said about others en this work is so true. ive totally been thinking about that lately too....this work is not about me or anything. It is about the people. In verse 8 of 10 mateo it says we are here to heal and cleanse others, meaning we are para Invitar las personas a venir a Cristo ayudarlas a que reciban el evangelio restaurado medianted la fe en jesuscristo and SU EXPIACION. We are here to help them receive cristo and la expiacion. OTRAS. The end of the verse says we must give what hwe have recieved. I have been so blessed and i need to share this glorious message :) I love it. Elder andesren said to remove the plalabara I from the vocabulario banc. Only others.

This work is of the Lords. Ther other day we did a practice thing about the book of mormon and i was practicing with elder sanchez and it was an awesome expereince. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The words are true and we will draw closer to the savior as we read and study the word. How glorious this book is. I testify of its truthfulness, and invite you to read the ultimate paragraphs in the introduction. It is a wonderful book of the savior. In the name of our brother, savior and redeemer, The savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hurrah for Israel
Elder Burrup

P.S. All the pictures are of the people leaving this week into the campo. And i was in like 5 because ive switched districts likes crazy. but the first one elder hurst is giving little bunny ears :) tehe

P.S. I love you guys so much!

Elder Tacza he is hilarious.....we have flex time during classes and i told him in english it means to flex your muscles so he thought it was hilarious. He is in my distrito and he cracks me up! But i had a special experience with him because yesterday he felt like he couldn't be a missinoary, didn't have the spirit or anything and i shared some scriptures and testimony and he is good now :) and all in spanish :) and he receives his endowment today!

A bunch of missionaries going to Lima Este

me and my comp and an hermana maestra who always teases me. but she is going to byu to study and i told her to look for jon cause she wants to work at the ccm,. My comps name is elder romero. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH :) he is AMAZING

Rama Manti:
Elder Hurst, Elder Burrop, Elder Allgaier, Elder Thomas, Elder Barnson, Elder Brimhall, Elder Maxwell, Elder Walker
Elder Riddle, Elder Watson, Elder Andrew, Elder Gilbert, Elder Miranda, Elder Johnson
Hna. Crow, Hna. Villarini, Hna. Harrop, Hna. Cardon, Pdte. Cardon, Hna. Waldron, Hna. Huppe

Elder Burrop, Elder Artola, Elder Walker, Elder Benavides, Elder Nuñez, Elder Espitia, Elder Cantos, Elder Ojeda
Elder Ugalde, Elder Hurtado, Elder Gilbert, Elder Ajnota, Elder Torres, Elder Rodriguez, Elder Tacza, Elder Lazcano
Elder Orozco, Elder Rivas, Elder Sevilla, Elder Chiroque, Elder Magaña, Elder Marin, Elder Sulluchuco, Elder Ricapa
Elder Sanchez, Elder Niño, Elder Cueva, Elder García, Elder Romero, Elder Chicaiza, Elder Fernandez, Elder Hilario
Hna. Inca, Hna. Jimenez, Hna. Sulla, Hna. Sullasi, Hna. Osinaga, Hna. Tigre, Hna. Ramirez, Hna. Apolo
Hna. Callejas, Hna. Pin, Hna. Mariano
Hna. Paris, Hna. Villarini, Hna. Cardon, Pdte. Cardon, Hna. Molina, Hna. Sanchez

November 19, 2013-The Humility of a Clay Brick

This past couple days have been crammed with adventures. im glad the week til pday got cut a little short :) Friday with Elder Nelson, Rasband, and Grow was AWESOME :) it was incredible. I LOVED it. The spirit was so strong right as he walked in and the room got dead quite and everybody stands. Many missionaries standing respecting with tears streaming down their face. It was glorious. My latino (or tino for janae :) tehe) companeros de cuarto were so excited and humbled. I got to sit by Elder Cruz who is the 1 year member. The south american people are just so...i dunno the word....humbled? to be in the presence of a general authority. Everybody got to shake their hands. Most of the S. American people have never seen a general authority let alone shake ones hand and listen to him speak 15 yards away. It was amazing meeting. He focused on member missionary work and rescuing. Mom your note about PMG was amazing...made me weep a little to hear you are loving it and taking my invitation :) One thing he said was the message of God is our loving Heavenly Father is the most important and said it doesnt matter unless it is ingrained in the marrow of our bnes. or something like that. It was so cool. The spirit was so strong. That was friday, then saturday was proselytizing day. So awesome. We went up on the side of hill climbing stairs pretty much for 3 straight hours. It was incredible. So much poverty. I wanted to take a picture because we could see out across lima. It was AWESOME. But one crazy thing is i remember looking down into someones house, half of the houses dont have roofs or only 3 walls or plywood walls and crazy stuff like that, but i remember looking down and seeing a clothes line expecting clothes but no.....a whole line full of jaguar skins getting tried and tanned. It was bizarre. Pretty sure that is illegal. BUt is was pretty cool :) But the first door we knocked at the guy so no before we were done and slammed the door in our face. We felt like it was going o be a long day. But before when we planned for the day we decided we were going to open our mouths, in PME it says we need to talk to as mnay people as we can every day. So we ended up talking to everyone and knocking a bagillion doors and we had success, it was amazing :) felt so good. So stoked to get in the campo. But this one guy we knocked looking for a menos activo and he said he wasnt home or something. ANyways we asked if we could come in and he was kinda hesitant and he said...i dont have anything. We told him it was okay and we came in and could smell their fire going (they cook over a flame cause they dont have anythoing else) and the walls were brick but not finished and the floor was 3 quarters finished concrete. with a pile of sand in one corner and nothing else. He pulled a stool up and pulled some bricks over to sit down so we taught the restauraccion and book of mormon sitting a brick and our teacher on a stool and the guy standing. It was crazy. The poor hillside people seemed either amazingly receptive or sadly bitter at God. This other time we were talking to a lady ont he porch and finished up turned around and their was this guy unloading one of those mototaxies, 3 wheeler things he had a closet and 2 mattress on top. We also discussed in planning that service opportunites are great ways to open the door for the gospel. We helped them unload and walked with this stuff like all the way up the mountain. The roads close off and the only thing up the hillside is concrete winding stairs or rock stairs. It was intense. When we finished i was flexing my biceps and showing off to their kids making them laugh and doing other silly things  :) then we gave them a book of mormon and discussed the restauracion a little. I could feel they were so READY for the gospel. One other story from saturdy, we were headed back to the capilla to take the bus back home and we were pushing time a little but we had committed to talking to everyone we saw. Me and Elder Miranda saw this couple sitting on the streetside eating an orange and we look at eachother and went over theri. We talked about the plan de salvacion and families for a bit and as we left we both felt the spirit overwhelmingly. They were ready to hear. One more silly story. We went up to 2 old ladies and were going to talk to them about profets and we asked if they believed there was a profet on the earth today and she said yes...we were taken back and kinda started laughing. tehe :) A member gave me a sugar cane to snack on and it was declious chewing on a sugar cane :) Time is flying by! It is scaring me! I am getting transfered to the tino distrito this week its official. Definitely scared pray for me and the gift of tongues! Janae and steve thanks for your notes...sound like nate is growing up and got his mind ont he right things in life :) what a cute little fella. Miss you guys. I am proud of you guys and your missinarouy efforts. keep up the good work! Kirsty sorry i didnt get what you sent me! But thanks for the picture of the boys and mikey. Dad your email was aazing. It uplifted me and was wonderous. I loved it. It seriously was awesome. Thank you so much. I miss you a whole ton. Mom thanks for your email as well! SOunds like the new bishopbric is gonna rock it! Good for them :) that will be awesome. Mom your email was amazing. Thank you. I miss you a whole ton! I am working hard not getting homesick or thinking about home to much, i think the tino branch will get me working a little harder :) I started reading the new testament and i am so so so so excited. I know the Savior lives and that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost and influence and the role he plays to testify to us of the truth and to comfort us. I am ready to be in the field and hit the pavement to work and sweat and teach and love the poeple. This work is of the Lord, it is his work and not for me. I need to step back and let the holy spirit do its teaching. I need to humble myself and strive to teach and work in his way and will. This is his work and it is a ture message. Sutdy the scriptures work hard and pray. I know as you strive closer to the savior you will have real happiness. In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer. Amen.
Hurrah for Israel
Elder Burrup

P.S. One group of missinaries werent allowed to do the proselytizing activity because they stepped off the bus heard gunshots and then people starting running children and women away and men running in the streets with clubs towards the noise. Kinda crazy! Adventurous

P.S.S. Janae thanks for the typo editing :) im typing as fast as i can and not worrying about the spelling 

P.S.S.S. Have fun with Laurel and tell her i love her! You guys will have a blast! LOve you all dearly! :)