Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nov 8, 2013

This guy writes emails just like he talks.  It's kind of hilarious.  He seems to be doing great!

So thanks for the emails family :) and the pictures from janae and kirsty's families! Nicole i want a picture of your belly....uh sounds kinda weird but.....theh :) [pregnant sister-in-law]  Mom pictures of the house too! So i feel like its been forever since i've had the opportunity to write to you guys! So anxiously engaged. I have a whole sheet in my agenda diario thingy of things to tell you guys. SO i guess ill get busy. 

First off i hear BYU beat boise....and they play wisconsin today too. Let me know :) Mom my favortie scripture is mosiah 2:41 along with mosiah 21:14. I miss delicious water. Im gonna write some random stuff then ill get to the goods :) Mom you would be proud of me becuase i LOVE planning at night. Tehe. So i feel like i am drinking from a fire hydrate spirtually and spanishly. Mom tell me more about Gilbert and Ed.  I'm proud of you and excited for your progress with them :) also i dont know if you've seen the district when elder Moreno is getting filmed about how tired he is and he keeps going and going about how tired he is.....that's how i feel, but then he says he is so happy :) yup. Pretty much couldn't be happier :) I feel like I've been a missioary for forever and i am used to the CCM life. Its the best . Also kinda crazy but the 1st counselor in the branch here knew grandma and grandpa from their mission. Presidente Townsend. Tell them for me will ya? Weird small world.  Then i meet someone in the temple here in lima that knows elder Peterson's family (the missioanrary in our ward, is here still there? and elder Favero?) from snowflake airzona as well as the the Shummays and Lymans. You remember them? college buddies. So crazy small world. 

So the other day on the soccer field i guess i was being kinda rough and i totally laid a kid. Well not like trucked him but knocked him off his rocker pretty good from a shoulder bump and he got REALLY mad and ran off. He was one of my good buddy elders so i was worried. So i went and said sorry and apologozed but he was still frustrated. So later i knelt down and i prayed and i realized i was being prideful and dumb and competitive during futbol and  i needed to chill out. I am here to be a HUMBLE servant of the lord. I am always wearing a placa....(whats it an english? [placa means tag] :) tehe. Anyways i realized i need to be completely humble. But then that elder came to me and we are chill now. Normal and everythings good. But a humbling experience. We have firesides every tuesday and i love them :) we have physical acitivity almost everyday and i miss my lacrosse stick and gloves:) another super humbling experience i had was last saturday we had a proselyting activity. They bus us out somewhere and work with members and visit menos activos. uh.......less active members. And we have to teach and we are with a different comp too. Its 5 hours in somebodys house. so at first i was thinking i got this and no biggie but.....i was greatly humbled. I thought of jons or somebodys experience of the people speaking spanish and asking why they were going blahblahblbhal or whatever. Its never been so true to me :) I was pretty discouraged that day and the next but......disappointed but never discouraged, right grandpa? :) Geeze i cant tell you guys enough! Hmmmmm......i love the birthday was good :) i tried to hide it but my comp let it slip cause he saw my planner and the district made me card. I am striving to be the best missionary i can be...jon you are so totally right about being silly and making chistes. The first little bit i struggled with that but i am mastering my silliness :) ¿Milagro no? :) but i see it in other elders or just that they use study time to talk about home or play ping pong or something. It makes me sad especially seeing edlers i respect and love! But i am striving to be exactly obedient like we would talk about on our hikes jon. EXACTLY. It amazes me to see my new district excelling in the idioma so rapidly because we are obedient versus my older district because they dont obey exactly or use their time well. But i love the ccm and learning and growing so much. I want to be in el campo so so so bad now though! Wait for my time :) patience. So yesterday i got asked if i wanted to go to the latino district 2 weeks early! That means i would leave 2 weeks earlier. I dunno yet cause the hermano said presidente would talk with us and maybe yes maybe no. So.......i'lll let you know next week if i get talked to later today! But im assuming i'll go to the latino distrito my last 2 weeks. I'm forgetting some english and i am rapidly growing in the language! :) Makes me so so so excited to teach the people of peru. So yesterday we went to the temple and there was like a 102 year old lady. she could hardly walk and hardly even sit up. And couldnt talk. When i saw her i just started weeping.  I thought to myself why the heck am i weeping? i couldnt figure it out and i was overcome with love for this old old lady. And i knew Heavenly father loved her and was so happy she was in the temple serving his children. It was wonderous. When i leave the prision walls of the ccm i am just overflowed with love for the people and desire to share my message with this people. Its missionary money :) the spiritual experiences and feelings are missionary money :) i love this gospel i love the scriptures i love the ccm i love my teachers i love the spirit i love peru i love spanish :)

Kirsten...tell austy i am proud of him and his stitches :) way to be a trooper. He got a bonker on his cabeza :) tell him and tanner i love them and miss playing with them and i wear my tye dye shirt all the time and share my pictures of them with my missiuonary friends. I miss you too kirsty :) sometimes i just thinking of your tight hug and tears on my cheek when i left! You were kinda like another momma to me when i would come over to play with the boys at your house :) tehe love you :)

Mike ive been thinking alot about your advice. Thank you for that. I miss you too brohan

Janae thank you for the pictures and the note :) loved it :) ive been thinking alot about your advice on being a COMPLETLY concescrated missionary. I wish you could take a field trip out her with your family! And i still owe your family a trip to the pumpkin patch. tehe. Tell nate and aubrey i love them! And tell him the lacrosse stick is from me and have him watch a lax video or something tehe.

Steve i miss skyping with you! Hope work is going swell. Would you mind sharing with me a spiritual experience frim your mission?

Jonny....i guess i kinda wrote you a note already but ill be praying for your school and baby :) need to be better about that....teheh. SEND ME PICTURES like you do for mom! Im prayng for your baby! Love you and miss you!

Laurel my fellow amazing missionary sister.....i dunoo if youll get this but i love yo uand iam uysing the thing you gave me for my birthdya and how awesome you are and i want to be a missionary like you! The consecrated missiary article....yup love it. on my bed. I read it and refgfer to it all the time.

Dad. miss you so so so much! I love messing with you and reading hte scriptures with you and rough housing around :) thank you for your note too. I  am striving to be a good missionary and be like you!

Best for last....Dearest mom.....i thought about you on my birthday especially and i wish i couyld have given you flopwers! Thank you for being a wonderful mother and teaching me. I love you so dearly much and am glad in your missionary efforts. Keep it up. Read your scriptures and pray with dad for miracles and missionary moments especially with gilbert and ed. What a glorious work. You will feel no greater happiness or gozo...? It is wopnderful. :)

Hurrah for Israel

Elder Burrup

P.S. i will pray and fast for undle roy. What a mountain to climb.

P.S.S. i just rmembered a question....can i wash my pants?

P.S.S. wow didnt know i could write so much! tehe. LOVE YOU ALL DEARLY :)

my distrito--(L to R) random dude at the temple who bore his testimony to us, me, hna waldron, 
hna crow, elder gilbert, johnosn, miranda (Know him from byu this summer) brimhall, watson (the dl)
andrews and lastly elder "first" comp on the plane with kathy. we always joke she is probably the RS president by now :) 

Me and the comp elder johnson 

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