Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 13, 2014

Querida Famailia Burrup, Pratt, and Merrill. 

Glad to hear the funeral was excellent and that laurel and janae were able to attend. I wanted to attend a whole bunch. I have a pictue with grandpa the night of the setting apart that i cherish. I wish i coulda been there. I just wanna hear him say shoot or see his toothless smile or hear him yell during a byu football game :) Thanks steve for being a good example and trooper with the kiddos. And nicole having a baby right now. I hope the baby will hurry and pop out so they can send me a picture before i have to go! tehe. Laurel glad to hear that you went on a date without being completely awkward tehe. Laurel thanks for the pictures. i feel good when i receive pictures. Janae thank you thank you for your email too. That is way cool you got to talk to the stanford basketball team, way legit :) The words of called to serve really are sacred and special.

Thanks for the dear elders crawfords and thanks for the package bruce and lisa. It is awesome to receive letters i feel very loved :) 

Couple things from down here in san borja. Well lots of things. todavia we don't have una pencionista. And presidente might sacarnos tomorrow. Might.....take us out or tansfer us because we had some struggles this week because we fasted because we didnt have food. So that is not good and we communicated with our liders and stuff so we might get taken out. In part was we actually had days full of citas and there was no time to eat so i would rather have citas than lunch. But we have to eat to work or we cannot work effectively or hard. We talked to hna ardila and she told us this is a great opportunity to develop some faith. tehe. Kinda a little tap on the head and where is your faith like the savior did many times in the new testament. But one day i was particualary hungry and i expressed my hunger to elder hernandez and he told me that its alright and we prayed and asked for the lord to provide and the following cita the lady gave us food :) it was quite the experience. 
We had a baptism 2 yesterdays! This is the old investigador rodrigo that has been interested for a while. We really didnt do anything besides the entrevista but we had a baptism nonetheless in san borja. It was an excellent service. 2 general authorities from the 70, which is kinda cool, one is in my ward but he retired form the 70 a little bit ago and the other the neighboring ward. 

So yesterday we taught an hna that was baptized but told us it was an error. She was baptized about 2 years ago more or less and we have taught here weekly and she is the bomb diggity but we are working with her testimony about a few things, joseph smith and the trinidad and other questions. Yesterday i bore a simple testimony of joseph smith, the first vision, and the godhead. The spirit was amazingly powerful. The spirit testified. The feelings of the spirit are wonderful and glorious. I have had a few experiences with testimonies like that this week. so beautiful. My invitation is to bear a simple testimony this week. Love you all so much! :) send pictures of all my sobrinos and sobrina and another sobrina de hoy :)

Con carino
Elder Burrup

La fe es el poder, la obediencia el precio el amor es el motivo el espiritu es la clave y cristo la razon. Presidente Hinckley 

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