Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oct. 24, 2013

Christian left for Peru yesterday and made it safe and sound!  He already got to write an email too!

In his letter he talks about remembering Peru.  His brother, Jon, served in Trujillo, Peru as a missionary and he had to opportunity to go and spend some time in Peru in Jon at the end of his mission.  So his mission call to Peru hit an already tender spot of his heart! His enthusiasm for the Lord's work is contagious.  He'll be amazing.

Now for his letter:

Made it safely! Oh how i remember the humidity and the smells of peru....its been to long :) but this time im a missionary! Just recieved my feels AWESOME. Es chevere. I love peru. I know 3 people in the group we traveled with. I arrived to the gate in atlanta and saw like 25 missionaries, 4 sisters the rest elders. Wow. What a relief. Almost like the sons of mosiah, i already feel like a brotherhood with this guys :) I took a bit of pictures already and nicole and janae will be proud of me but....i dont have my cord. Say whaa. Sorry guys but my pday is thursday so next week. My companion is the one in my ward from byu! Elder M., another elder miranda i know from school and a sister went to kamiakin. Kinda crazy. So i actually got to sit by another elder, elder walker and he is awesome. We sat by this lady named Kathy and ella es de Peru and from huraz which jon will think is cool. But she lives in the states and speaks good ingles. So we talked with her alot in spanish and she was super nice, in her 40s and we befriended her and talked A TON. The flight was like 6 and half hours, so she fell asleep and i leaned over to elder walker and we had a companionship prayer and study session so we could give her my spanish Book of Mormon. The minute she woke up we started talking with her and we were talking about the incans and i remembered going to the ruins and seeing similiar symbolism like in the temple and stuff so all the sudden the spirit had me testifying of the book of mormon before i knew what was going on! It was so neat. Elder walker and i bore testimony to her about hte book of mormon and we had such an awesome discussion about the scriptures and the bible and Jose smith. It was so cool. We became such good friends. Its weird but i love her already! Kinda weird to say that but I LOVE THE PEOPLE OF PERU AND THE LANGUAGE AND THE GOSPEL :) we got the o the mtc at 1 in the mornoing and i we were allowed ot sleeo in to 9 but we were completley wired and im sure nobody went to bed quick :) and then we all woke up at like 6 ready to go tracting and knock doors so fired with the enthuasiasm and oure calling. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY :) Peru is just how i remember it but i love it so much more :) So kathy the lady we taught accepted the book of mormon and elder walker was like wait...let me write in it and so he wrote a ton and it was awesome. She is gonna get baptized for sure. tehe. But we got a picture so with her wich is sweet. Im already adjusting to spanish. Its kinda weird i didnt think it would be that qucik buyt im already started to think in spanglish whih excites me. There is one elder here from texas adn he speaks really well and is only here for 9 days which is insane. He reminds me of weston adn scot because he is so humble and genuine and good. THere is another elder, elder riddle and we joke around...maybel a little to much which is somehting we are already wroking on tehe. He is a really good guy but we are always cracking up. I love these elders so much and i dont even know them! They remind me of all my buddies from back home and my bros! Its crazy. I am having the time of my life and i am ready to get to. Lets do this thing :) its game time. Love you guys so much! Hasta luego

Elder Burrup.....sounds so cool :) Hurrah

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