Oh how i love the mission.
Couple things before i forget, I need a zucchini bread recipe for an old
abuelita that feeds us. Another crazy thing that's hilarious is we were walking
to a menos activo house and all the sudden i heard a TON of screaming and i
started ducking cause i thought some people were getting shot up or something
or there was a riot or fight but Everybody was yelling and i heard i bunch of
things smashing and people hollering out their windows and then i heard someone
yell GOOOAAALLLL :) and i realize that everbody was watching a futbol game :)
tehe, Me and my comp started laughing so hard. So my companero is AWESOME. He
has 24 years and is from mexico. I love him. He is seriously the best. My area
is san borja, and holy cow, its huge! Its lima lima and rich rich of lima.
Everbody has dogs, smoking and cars and bikes. I was a little confused because
the places we went proseltizing in the ccm was pobrecitos. And my area is very
wealthy. We have 2 investigadors and they aren't really progressing. THe obra is
really difficult and slow here. And i guess there was problems a little bit
with the members a few weeks ago. Elder Hernandez (my comp) was sent here to
regain the trust. We are wroking alot with the members and menos activos. And i
pencionista got a different job so the first 3 days of the missinon i was
fasting pretty much :) Bread and yogur :) and the famous durazno juice :) yum.
and our search for a pencion continues. But this week has been AWESOME :) i
LOVE the field. it is the best. We walk like crazy! And even though my first
week kinda sounds lame and stinky it has been AMAZING :) This upcoming week we
have a couple nuevos and hopefully more on the way. Our goal for contacts is
kinda overwhelming because the area is really hard to contact people and
especially because there are no doors. only intercoms. But this week is gonna be
awesome. So stoked.
Jon i met 2 people
that know you! First is a teacher in the ccm, hno Granados from chipotle
barrio gedeon. He said he served a mini mission with you.
second is Hna
Salgastegui. She is in my zone and said the assitentes were always tight with
her family because....i don't remember but its chevere. Sounds like you and
Nicole had a crazy time with keys and such! But i bet you guys had a blast in
vegas and it sounds CRAZY at kirstys house :)
remembered....shout out to Aubrey Sintay for the Letter!
Umm.....Thanks for the
notes tan and austy :) Sure love you buddies!
Im excited to be able
to receive notes from nate too! Is he talking real good?
Thanks for all the
pictures too! It sounds like you guys had an absolute blast and thnk you all
for the notes! Laurel just like it takes time to ease into the mission it takes
time to ease out too :) no worries!
Jon i got shocked in
the shower like all the stories you used to tell us tehe. But showers in the
morning are frigid! Ice cold. Our apartment is tiny! But i avsolutely love it
:) its the best. My ability to talk and understand is increasing! I am
frogetting words en inglish. A veces durante las lecciones english words pop
out of my mouth. Tehe. Presidente Ardila is amazing :) i absolutely lovbe him
and his wife. Yesterday i got over my fear of just talking spanish with
everyone even if i screw up i just need to open my mouth and i've been working
on that, dyc 38:8-10. But yesterday during church priesthood i rose my hand and
talked, then i was on divisions and i helped teach a lesson and was really
involved and last night on the bus i felt like i should sit by this young guy
instead of my companero so i did and i talked to him and his mom and he wanted
to hear the gospel and it was so COOL :)
There is a lady who is
amazing that wants the zuccinnii recipe, her name is hna yalli and she has like
75 years and she speaks fluent enlish because she used to live in cali. But she
loves the missionaries and loads the elders up with food every time. Her plates
are HUGE. She is like grandma but lives in peru and speaks spanish :) Every
meal here in peru i have to loosen my pants to finish the food :) tehe and
cant button my pants and tighten my belt until later :) tehe
But Thats all i can
remember right now and i absolutely love peru its amazing. This gospel is
glorious. If this gospel wasn't true i would be here. We had an appointment and
the lady was questioning alot and i asked why i was here and i bore my
testimony it was special. The church is true. i KNOW IT.
DyC 38:40-42 is the
scripture for everyone who reads this. Haganlo. Share the gospel. True
missionary work is with the members. The mission motto is to baptize and
confirm weekly. It needs to be with members.
I love this work and i
know i am in san borja for a reason with elder hernandez. What a glorious
calling and opportunity to serve the lord :)
Hurrah For Israel
Elder Burrup
P.S. Packages and
letters send to the mission home. Love you all so much. Sorry kinda a long one
but a lot to fit in! Love you all dearly
El cuarto pequeno |
guapisimo |
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